Baskets style will change depending on amount of items purchased and type of baskets we have in stock.
$50.00 basket includes:
- 2 pt yogurt smoothies (assorted flavors, please ask what is available)
- 1 qt size solid yogurt (assorted flavors, please ask what is available)
- 1 8-10 oz individually wrapped cheddar, or mozzarella
- 3-4oz chevre (types of herbs depends on season or option of natural)
- 6 herb Tea bags or small package of organic crackers to be added
Pricing of baskets increase by increments of $5.00.
Please call 610-838-2928 or send an email info@flinthill-farm.orgfor adjustments or specialty orders!
Gift Basket- Standard $50.00
SKU: GiftBasketStandard