Girl Scout/Boy Scout Experience and Badge Options
Metal Work
Horse Lovers
Farm Mechanics Merit Badge
Veterinary Medicine Merit Badge (in collaboration with Quakertown Large Animal Vet)
Other Group Non-Badge Related Activities:
Grooming Belgian draft horses
Bonfire area weather permitting
Camping in wood lot or on grass area near greenhouse
Overnight camping for groups up to 25 campers/scouts (bring your own tents)
​Farm chores - Egg collection, feeding chickens and ducks, assisting with pony turn out and feeding, feeding calves, goats, and sheep (babies in March and April)
Badging Information:
Pre-register for horse-related badges with Ms. Kim at 610-462-4215
Pre-arrange for Metal Work Badge with artisan blacksmith, Anthony Murphy at 484-288-041
Blacksmith demonstration on the working forge (separate charge to go to blacksmith - $5.00 extra per person)
Most programs are $50 per person depending on desired programs and number of days. Call Kathy for pricing and options.
Please Remember:
Dress appropriately for the weather!
Example of Merit Badge OPTION
Boy Scout Horsemanship Merit Badge Requirements
1. Do the following:
(a) Describe the safety precautions you should take when handling and caring for a horse.
(b) Describe the fire safety precautions you should take in a barn and around horses.
2. Name 15 main parts of a horse.
3. Name four breeds of horses. Explain the special features for which each breed is known.
4. Describe the symptoms of colic. Name and describe four other horse health problems.
5. Explain what conformation is and why it is important. Explain the difference between lameness and unsoundness.
6. Explain the importance of hoof care and why a horse might need to wear shoes.
7. Demonstrate how to groom a horse, including picking hooves and caring for a horse after a ride.
8. Explain how to determine what and how much to feed a horse and why the amount and kind of feed are changed according to the activity level and the breed of horse.
9. Do the following:
(a) Name 10 parts of the saddle and bridle that you will use, and explain how to care for this equipment.
(b) Know how to properly saddle and bridle a horse.
(c) Demonstrate how to safely mount and dismount a horse.
10. Explain and demonstrate how to approach and lead a horse safely from a stall, corral, or field and how to tie the horse securely.
11. On level ground, continuously do the following movements after safely mounting the horse. Do them correctly, at ease, and in harmony with the horse.
(a) Walk the horse in a straight line for 60 feet.
(b) Walk the horse in a half-circle of not more than 16 feet in radius.
(c) these below are done on longe line for safety
Trot or jog the horse in a straight line for 60 feet.
(d) Trot or jog the horse in a half-circle of not more than 30 feet in radius.
(e) Halt straight.
(f) Back up straight four paces.
(g) Halt and dismount.