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Horse Camp - Session 2

As another session of camp has come to a close, I wanted to share what we did this week!

I think one of the highlights of the week for the kids was getting to ride bareback on Ben, the resident Belgian Draft. As always, the campers love spending time in Penn's Woods as well! A few weeks back they started building a new lean-to, so they had the opportunity to work on it some more during the week. We also did a few fun crafts which included painting terracotta pots then planting several types of flower seeds and learning basket weaving. We had a great turnout for our horse show Friday afternoon. Everyone did an amazing job decorating the horses; they definitely had a lot of fun with it!

There is a new addition to the farm this week, we welcomed Ellie the Jersey calf to the world Monday morning. She was born healthy and has taken to bottle feeding very well, I'm excited to see her grow and prosper.

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